![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:39 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Got 2 speeding tickets this week, poor driving and poor luck I guess
First was cruising home from visiting my father 1.5hrs away.(long story short it was the second time doing that drive that day) had a chp whip across the highway for 79mph. My s peed ometer reads fast so I had figured a cruise closer to 75, but learned the hard way it is not.
Then on my way to work this morning (3:30am) entering the highway I pulled through 4th and 5th then braked as i entered the highway. Turned out there was a chp cruising along a ways before the entrance, he wrote a ticket for 75mph.
I deserve the tickets, and need to slow down this is 2 points on my license, at least $600 and my insurance is going to shit itself. Traffic school isn’t an option either since I took it this time last year and it takes 18 months before you can take it again. Went at least 20,000 miles this year but managed 2 tickets within just 200 of those. Interestingly this time last year I got pulled over numerous times(twice by the same cop), I wonder if theres something within the department about cracking down in spring?
![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:43 |
as far as I understand statistics, if you have got two tickets I will get none. I shall now speed home!
![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:47 |
Psh speed isn't even possible in that Civic...now if you're driving yur wife's CR-V then we got a true #streetracer out here
![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:48 |
![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:51 |
So that's where your profile pic comes from...god I can hear it every time I look at it now
![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:52 |
All of oppos “ shouldve been ticketed “ will get distilled into my pullmeo ver red Clubman, so your set
![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:56 |
yeah, me too!
i miss vtec and an straight pipe
![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:58 |
Not if I speed first!
![]() 04/19/2019 at 17:59 |
There indeed are various federal and state grants and projects out there that can fund activities like additional traffic enforcement during certain times of the year . Not to say the CHP isn’t doing it all the time, but these grants can fund overtime for additional officers to work doing only traffic enforcement, or DWI checkpoints/ saturation patrols or whatever the funding is for. When they’re working that time, the officers are generally tasked exclusively with that activity (as opposed to taking calls for service along with general patrol work when not responding to calls).
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:02 |
The uptick of traffic enforcement is immense and considering the size of the county they are typically spread thin so this must have something to do with it.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:07 |
On my way home from work this week I think I evaded one. I was doing 80 in a 70. I thought it was 75 and usually when that’s the case the cops here are pretty cool about that. It was night on the interstate and I think he had to start his car up on everything so I could make the distance to get off on an exit and disappear.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:07 |
Ugh that 3:30 am one at least sounds like revenue collecting shakedown bullshit. As a CA driver I am aware how much it sucks that you now have 3 (!!) tickets on your record instead of possibly zero if they had been timed better. I’m already resigned to the fact that I will probably never go too long outside of that 18 month purgatory as long as I live here. Luckily my “ natural”, no need to try anything ticket accrual rate has been well off the once every 18 months pace.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:11 |
I had a big scare recently during an on-ramp challenge . I definitely proved that it’s possible to (cough) exceed the speed limit despite the length of the ramp. Usually if I’m not first at the light we’ll be lucky to hit 45 before the merge point . Thankfully I spotted the cop immediately and lifted so I don’t think he got an accurate read - or else he just had other things to do.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:12 |
Can’t get a speeding ticket if you ain’t drivin’!
In all seriousness, I only get tickets when I drive manuals. Never had one with an automatic. I’m two years in driving a WRX after driving an abarth 500 for year and a half, and no tickets!! I have to keep this up.
Be careful out there man, speeding ticket costs really add up.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:14 |
Im most worried about 2 points being half of the 4 points in a year before they pull your license. I dont plan on getting 2 more tickets but cutting my points in half over the course of 4 days is not inspiring.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:20 |
It's a great feeling when you know your getting pulled over and then they pass you
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:21 |
Two points for two speeding tickets? I’m still paying surcharges for 14 points after one.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:22 |
How many before they pull your license though, ca gives you 4 points in a year or 6 in 2
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:25 |
Ah, 12 in NJ, so that makes more sense. I figured it was pretty standardized.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:25 |
Oh my god, I was in the middle of nowhere in Utah once, 2 lane twisty road, going maybe 3 over, and a cop turned his lights on as I went past but then got the minivan behind me. I felt so lucky but also so guilty. Then again maybe his ticket was for tailgating (deserved).
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:26 |
I’m not allowed to do the onramp challenge.
Last time somebody challenged me on a short ‘35MPH’ onramp.
If there had been a cop, I would have been going to jail.
edit: No. I was not in the Porsche. I was in the Buick.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:27 |
What w ere you doing to exceed their 12 points?!
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:29 |
“ Its 3am, no one around I’ll just do a little pull”
Onramps are deceptive
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:33 |
Close to 120 in a 65...
I, uh, I don’t speed any more. It took an expensive lawyer and a ton of fees just to get it down below 12 points with a 30 day suspension.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 18:51 |
You are going to hate me but...
The last time CHP pulled me over I was on HWY 49 between Jackson and Sacramento, going up hills and down hills...
After a long day at Calaveras Big Trees state park I was driving my family back to Sac. I was doing near 70 on the downhills and not downshifting slowing down to 50 or so on the uphills.
I got clocked at 69 in a 55. I pulled over. Gave the officer my info. He gave me a warning and gave my kids junior CHP stickers.
Those kids saved my ass. I bet I would have gotten a ticket if I was solo int he car.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 19:22 |
Damn. I thought my 105 in a 50 was bad.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 19:23 |
I got clocked at 51 in a 30 last month. He wrote it as 50 in 30, which was the difference between $124 and $ 248. No points, and no idea what if anything it will do to my insurance (first ticket since 2005). Road probably should have had a faster speed limit (felt much more rural 55 than 30), but I should have been paying closer attention. I don’t know if I was really going 51, but I was definitely 45+
![]() 04/19/2019 at 20:08 |
been there done that.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 20:27 |
![]() 04/19/2019 at 20:33 |
I miss CA’s really sane ticket deferring program. Ours is freaking 7 years between uses.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 20:39 |
Getting dinner with the girlfriend last week we were sitting outside eating watching two state patrol cars pull people over. The speed limit is 30 but feels like a 35 or 40. They must’ve been going after phone use too because I saw them pull a few people who were going what seemed very close to speed limit but it was slightly satisfying watching rich kids get pulled over in their new mercs and bmws. I know I’m just bitter and jealous but if their parents can afford those cars, they can afford the ticket.
![]() 04/19/2019 at 20:42 |
Ma y aswell be one use at that point
![]() 04/19/2019 at 20:47 |
No w seeing another appealing aspect of the $ 500 slushbucket Hyundai: speeding is not enjoyably 90% of the time
![]() 04/19/2019 at 21:12 |
It’s spring and near a holiday, lots of people out driving (often long distances) = peak revenue generation for the piggies.
omeone who lives in a state that is one big speed trap
![]() 04/20/2019 at 18:29 |
If you go to court and make an appeal for traffic school, the judge may take pity on you and grant your request even if you are not eligible. You can guess how I know....
![]() 04/21/2019 at 00:59 |
Seriously. It’s ridiculous. They are forever sealed if no further tickets within some amount of time much shorter than that, but you can only use them super infrequently...
![]() 04/21/2019 at 10:48 |
*crosses Washington off the list of places to live*
![]() 04/25/2019 at 23:00 |
Strange, all the times I’ve driven in California I drove at 5mph above the limit, and everyone else was overtaking me.
![]() 04/26/2019 at 16:57 |
It depends where you are, in highly urban areas speed is whatever traffic does +5. In rural areas 5 over the limit is very unlikely to get you pulled over unless the cop wants to hassle you.
A good way to not get pulled over is to drive something nondescript, not bright red, and not visibly or audi bly modified.